Woman or women (midwifery)
Individuals who have entered into a therapeutic and/or professional relationship with a midwife. The word woman in midwifery is generally understood to be inclusive of the woman’s baby, partner and family. Therefore, the words woman or women include all the women, babies, newborn, infants, children, families, carers, groups and/or communities, however named, that are within the midwife’s scope and context of practice. Baby in this document refers to the newborn/s, infant/s and child/children as relevant to the midwife’s scope of practice.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2018) Code of conduct for midwives
Retrieved from https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Codes-Guidelines-Statements/Pr…
Woman-centred practice/care
Collaborative and respectful partnership built on mutual trust and understanding through good communication. Each woman is treated as an individual with the aim of respecting women’s ownership of their health information, rights and preferences while protecting their dignity and empowering choice. Woman-centred practice recognises the role of family and community with respect to cultural and religious diversity.
Workplace Experience
Component of nursing education that students are required to successfully complete, so as to foster sound clinical judgement when applying theoretical knowledge in an actual practice setting. Includes the concept of ‘clinical training’ as embodied in the National Law.