Verification of registration
Confirms registration status and history, also known as a certificate of good standing.
Viva voce clinical examination
Method of assessing students’ ability to use knowledge in a face-to- face examination. This assessment approach has two basic models:
- The ‘short case’ model is used as a formative assessment. It focuses on specific skills or sub-skills and can take the form of an objective structured clinical examination or a case presentation on a specific clinical activity.
- The ‘long case’ model is used as a summative assessment. It seeks to examine the student’s ability to apply knowledge in an actual clinical situation. The ‘long case’ exam requires the student to use professional communications skills to collect, analyse, synthesise and evaluate clinical information, to use differential diagnostic procedures and determine a management plan. It assesses learning outcomes related to deep learning, application and synthesis of knowledge and high-level clinical reasoning.
Vocational Education Training
One of the three major sectors of education and training in Australia, the other two being the school and higher education sectors. VET is provided by industry, adult education, community based and also private training providers. VET is supported by the Commonwealth and State governments in Australia primarily through their TAFE Institutes and TAFE Divisions in dual sector universities.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2018) Code of conduct for midwives
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