Application of a systematic approach to acquiring knowledge through intellectual inquiry. Includes disseminating this knowledge through various means such as publications, presentations (verbal and audio-visual) and professional practice. Also includes applying this new knowledge to the enrichment of the life of society.
Organisational entity of an education provider responsible for designing and delivering a program of study in nursing or midwifery. Where the school is part of a larger faculty, the school is regarded as the program provider for these standards.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2016) Registered nurse standards for practice
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Scope of practice
Is that in which health professionals are educated, competent to perform and permitted by law. The actual scope of practice of individual practitioners is influenced by the settings in which they practise, the health needs of people, the level of competence and confidence of the nurse and the policy requirements of the service provider.
Simulated learning or practice
Educational methods or clinical experiences that evoke or replicate aspects of the real world in an interactive manner. As an educational method for students it can provide learning conditions to develop knowledge and skills such as how to prescribe and write prescriptions.
Skilled Migration Services
Special care needs
Relates to babies experiencing a deviation from physiological functioning or normal postnatal adaptation and who require care beyond what is considered normal or routine by the health service. Refers to the application of care principles for a range of experiences including neonatal resuscitation, stabilisation for transfer and recognising and responding to clinical deterioration in the neonate.
Spontaneous vaginal birth
When a woman gives birth vaginally, unassisted by forceps or vacuum extractor. The labour may or may not be spontaneous.
Staff Matrix
Staff Matrix
A level of quality or attainment.
Statement of attainment/completion
A statement issued by an education provider to a person confirming that the person has satisfied the requirements of the program specified in the statement.