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ANMAC helps protect the health and safety of the Australian community through our roles as:

  • the external accreditation entity, appointed by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to accredit nursing and midwifery programs that lead to eligibility to apply for registration or endorsement with the NMBA, under Australia’s National Registration and Accreditation Scheme 
  • the approved and independent assessing authority, authorised by the Department of Home Affairs to assess skills and qualifications of nurses, midwives and direct care workers seeking to migrate to Australia, under various Australian Government migration programs.

Go to About ANMAC for more information.

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia undertakes the following: 

  • registering nursing and midwifery practitioners and students 
  • developing practice standards, codes and guidelines for the nursing and midwifery profession
  • handling notifications, complaints, investigations and disciplinary hearings 
  • assessing overseas trained practitioners who wish to practise in Australia 
  • approving accreditation standards and accredited programs of study

The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for immigration to Australia and will assess your application for a visa to migrate.

Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) are codes applied to occupations for statistical purposes. These codes are used by the Department of Home Affairs in the various migration programs.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) conducts the assessment for registration on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).

Do I need a Skills Assessment?

Information on visa requirements for nurses, midwives and direct care workers is available on the Department of Home Affairs website under each visa type. It is important to check what visa requirements affect you before applying to ANMAC for a skills assessment. 

You only need to have your qualifications and skills assessed by ANMAC if you are migrating to Australia under the General Skilled Migration program, an Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement (ACILA) or a Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA). 

Check with the Department of Home Affairs if you need a skills assessment before you apply for your visa.

ANMAC does not find employment for nurses, midwives or direct care workers, or provide them with information or advice on employment opportunities, including where or how you can find work.

ANMAC does not provide information on employer sponsorship. Contact employers or employment agencies to find out about this. For more information visit the Department of Home Affairs.

To work in Australia as a nurse or midwife, you need to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). You also need to keep your Australian registration current. 

To register contact the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra).

To work in Australia as a direct care worker, you need to have work experience in a relevant role or a minimum AQF Certificate III in a relevant field. 'Relevant' means a course or work where direct care roles and responsibilities are the focus (this does not include disability or child care).

Go to application options. Select the option that applies to you. This will take you to the information you need to apply for the right type of skills assessment.

If you hold registration as a registered nurse, enrolled nurse or midwife in Australia and/or New Zealand and your name appears on Ahpra’s online public Register of practitioners you may qualify for a Modified Skills Assessment. 

If you do not hold current registration in Australia and/or New Zealand but have a 'Notice of in principle approval of registration subject to proof of identity' letter from Ahpra you may qualify for a Modified PLUS Skills Assessment. 

If you are a registered nurse in the Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, the United Kingdom or the United States and also have a minimum Bachelor of Nursing qualification from that country then you may qualify for a Full Skills Assessment. 

If you are a registered midwife from Canada, the United Kingdom or Ireland and have a minimum Bachelor of Midwifery qualification from that country then you may qualify for a Full Skills Assessment. 

Still not sure which assessment to apply for? See our online form and we'll direct you to the right assessment.

Supporting Documentation

The document requirements differ for each assessment.

Please see each assessment page for what documents are required for that application.

ANMAC's assessment options can be found here.

All applications remain open for 12 months from the date that you applied online. If you do not submit your documents within the 12 months, your application will expire. 

All supporting documents uploaded for your migration Skills Assessment must meet these minimum scanning requirements: 

  • original documents only 
  • scanned in colour 
  • scanned at a resolution of 600 dpi (dots per inch) or above. 
  • file must be a .pdf 

Your passport-style photo must be a:

  • .jpeg, .jpg or .png file type
  • recent photograph (within the last 6 months)
  • clear front-facing photograph of your self ("selfie" style photos will not be accepted)

After you have uploaded your documents in the online portal, please make sure you scroll down the page and select 'Send files to ANMAC now'.


The assessment for registration is separate to the assessment for skilled migration. The assessment for registration is conducted by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). You need to submit an application to Ahpra and meet the requirements for registration. 

If you hold current registration as a registered nurse, enrolled nurse or midwife your name will appear on Ahpra's online public Register of Practitioners

A verification of registration, or certificate of good standing confirms the validity of your registration and that there have been no issues against your practice as a nurse and/or midwife. The nursing and midwifery councils responsible for registering nurses and midwives in each country or jurisdiction can provide this information. 

Please ask the regulatory authority to post or email this directly to our office before applying to ANMAC for a migration skills assessment. We cannot accept a photocopy, fax or scanned copy of the letter from you or any other source. 

English Language Test


No. If you are applying for a Modified skills assessment you do not need to provide English language test results.


No. If you are applying for a Modified PLUS skills assessment you do not need to provide English language test results.


Yes. For a Full Skills Assessment, you need to have completed 1 of these tests:

For more information on English language requirements, please see the Full Skills Assessment application page.


No. If you are applying for a Direct Care skills assessment you do not need to provide English language test results. The Department of Home Affairs will assess your English language test results.

You must demonstrate achievement of the specified minimum scores from ONE of the following English language tests.

  • ANMAC accepts test results that are up to two years old 
  • Scores from two different tests cannot be combined. 
  1. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic test. 
  • Applicants must achieve a minimum overall score of 7 and a minimum score of 7 in each of the 4 components - listening, reading, writing and speaking. 
  • ANMAC will not accept test results from online test sittings. 
  • ANMAC will accept One Skill Retake test results. 
  • ANMAC accept test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves: 

          a) a minimum overall score of 7 in each sitting 


          b) no score in any component of the test is below 6.5 

  1. Occupational English Test (OET) for nurses
  • Applicants must achieve a minimum score of B in each of the 4 components - listening, reading, writing and speaking. 
  • ANMAC will not accept test results from online test sittings. 
  • ANMAC only accept test results from 1 test sitting OR a maximum of 2 test sittings, in a 6 month period only if the applicant: 

          a) is tested in all 4 components in each sitting 


          b) no score in any component of the test is below C 

  1. Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic. 
  • Applicants must achieve a minimum overall score of 65 AND a minimum score of 65 in each of the 4 communicative skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. 
  • ANMAC will not accept test results from online test sittings. 
  • ANMAC only accept test results from 1 test sitting OR a maximum of 2 test sittings, in a 6 month period only if the applicant achieves: 

          a) a minimum overall score of 65 in each sitting 


          b) no score in any of the four communicative skills is below 58

    4. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) iBT

  • achieve a total score of 94 (or above) and
  • the following score (or above) in each section of the test - 24 listening, 24 reading, 27 writing, 23 speaking.

We only accept test results from 1 test sitting, OR a maximum of 2 test sittings in a 6 month period only if you:

  • had a total score of 94 (or above) in each sitting
  • no score in any of the sections is below - 20 listening, 19 reading, 24 writing, 20 speaking


ANZSCO codes and Professional References

The ANZSCO code you select depends on your individual circumstances, including the visa you are applying for and your work experience. 

You should refer to the Skilled Occupation List to see which codes are available for you to select. A description of the ANZSCO codes is on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website

Your ANZSCO code should reflect your work experience and, generally, your most recent area of work experience. If you do not have work experience, you should select the 254499 Registered Nurse (Not Elsewhere Classified) code. 

If you nominate a specific ANZSCO code (other than 254499 Not Elsewhere Classified), you must provide a professional reference that supports a minimum 3 months paid work experience in this area within the last 5 years. 

Please note that any work that is over 5 years old can only be allocated the ANZSCO code 254499 NEC (Not Elsewhere Classified). 

If you require more information, please contact the Department of Home Affairs, a registered migration agent, or a migration lawyer.

On official letterhead, your professional references should include: 

  • dates of employment 
  • areas of experience 
  • a statement, including examples regarding your professional competence and safety as a nurse, midwife or direct care worker
  • details of continuing professional development 
  • signature of the referee

Your referee should date their reference letter and include their name, position and work email address. 

ANMAC does not accept emails from free web-based email accounts. 

ANMAC has more information in resources that explains these requirements.

You should use the person who directly manages or supervises you. This person must be a nurse, midwife or clinical supervisor. If your direct supervisor is not a nurse or midwife, a statement to this effect should be included in the reference. We do not accept references from Human Resources or Payroll departments. 

Nurses, midwives or direct care workers who work for an agency need to provide a: 

  • service statement from the agency detailing employment dates and number of hours worked
  • professional reference from an institution where you regularly work that meets ANMAC's requirements

If you would like ANMAC to report on your work for points recognition by the Department of Home Affairs you will need to submit professional references that meet ANMAC's criteria. You must have a minimum of 1 year paid work in Australia and/or a minimum of 3 years paid work overseas.

ANMAC will assess any work that was completed in the last 10 years, as long as your documentation meets our requirements.

The status of your application is available by logging in to your account on the Skilled Migrant Application Portal

Further supporting documents can be uploaded by logging into your account on the ANMAC website.

Please note that your supporting documents can only be accepted via the ANMAC portal, and will not be accepted via email.

ANMAC does not provide priority processing. Applications are assessed in date order.

ANMAC's assessment wait times are generally low, and we work hard to assess them within a reasonable timeframe.

We ask that you upload all required documents, and if applicable, make sure the registration verification has been requested from relevant countries to ensure there are no delays in processing your application.

All Outcome Letters issued by ANMAC are valid for 2 years from the date the decision was made. This date cannot be changed. 

This depends on the reason you were found unsuitable.

If you are found unsuitable due to non-genuine claims, you will be unable to apply for another skills assessment for 2 years.

Yes, you can. To appeal ANMAC’s decision, email the Assessment Team your:

  • full name 
  • date of birth 
  • reference number 
  • request for an appeal of the decision. 

You must email ANMAC within 30 days of receiving your Outcome Letter. 

ANMAC will acknowledge your email and ask for payment of the appeals fees, as per the fee schedule, prior to progressing your application. 

The appeals process is governed by our Appeals Policy. For more information see the appeal process on our website.

Please call the Assessment Team between 10am and 4pm (AEST) on +61 2 6257 7960 to discuss the error. Alternatively, you can email 

You can log into the Skilled Migrant Application Portal and request an update of your Outcome Letter. You will need to pay $145 and upload a professional reference written by a nursing supervisor that supports your work experience claim. Please ensure your Outcome Letter is still valid for at least 3 months from the date you request an update. 

ANMAC cannot extend the validity period of your Outcome Letter. The Department of Home Affairs will not accept an expired letter. 

Please note that your original Outcome Letter will no longer be valid once ANMAC has finalised the update.

Yes, if you would like to change your nominated ANZSCO code you can log into the Skilled Migrant Application Portal and request an Outcome Letter Update. 

Once you have applied for the update, you will need to upload your current passport and a professional reference letter that supports your work in an area that relates to the new ANZSCO code (a minimum 3 months is required). Please ensure your Outcome Letter is valid for at least 3 months from the date you request an update

ANMAC cannot extend the validity period of your Outcome Letter. The Department of Home Affairs will not accept an expired letter. 

Please note that your original Outcome Letter will no longer be valid once ANMAC has finalised the update.

ANMAC can update your letter only if it is valid for more than 3 months (12 weeks) from the date of request.

The validity period of your letter is not extended if you apply for a re-issue.